Here’s How Jeera Water Can Help You Lose Weight

 In Health Tips

All Indian Spices are full of health benefits.Jeera is one of such Indian Spice that not only adds taste to your dish but also helps in improving digestion & weight loss.

Spices play an important role in making a dish more flavorful. Indian cuisine is especially known to have some of the healthiest traditional spices as its main ingredient.

Jeera is such Indian Spice, besides its culinary uses, this aromatic spice is known for its medicinal properties since ancient times. Being an excellent source of iron, it aids in digestion, boosts the immune system and has anti-carcinogenic properties.

If you are struggling with weight loss program then consuming “JEERA” on daily basis may help you in achieving your weight loss target. Drink Jeera Water early morning empty stomach or anytime during the day for a slimmer & fitter body.

The warm and bitter flavor of this aromatic spice, as well as its abundant oil content, make it usable in Indian cuisines. In India, cumin seeds are an important component of curry powder and “garam masala”. They are generally fried or roasted before usage. Cumin seeds are generally available dried or ground to a brownish-green powder.

Jeera water drink is easy to prepare and equally effective.

Benefits of Jeera Water:-
1. Jeera water enhances your digestive system.
2. Jeera water is full of antioxidants.
3. Jeera water provides support to the immune system.

Top 8 Health Benefits of Jeera

Jeera water also helps to promote overall health and well-being. Jeera water drink is easy to prepare and equally effective. Boil 2 teaspoons of jeera in one glass of water for 10 minutes. Then let the water cool down to room temperature before drinking.

Here’s how jeera water can work wonders and help you lose weight:

1. Jeera water enhances your digestive system
Jeera water is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and also aids in digestion. It keeps the digestive system healthy and prevents diarrhea, nausea, morning sickness, flatulence, and constipation. Jeera water also ignites the secretion of enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates, fat and glucose.

2. Jeera water is full of antioxidants
Being rich in antioxidants, Jeera seeds help in flushing out accumulated toxic materials from your body, making the functioning of your internal organs stronger and more efficient. Soak some Jeera seeds in water overnight and consume the water the next morning. This will encourage bile production in your liver and help you get rid of acidity, gas and bloating sensations.

3. Jeera water provides support to the immune system
Jeera water is a very good source of iron, essential for the immune system to function well. It also contains fair amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C, both of which have antioxidant value. Regular consumption of Jeera water boosts your immune levels and also prevents a lot of diseases. Most importantly, it also keeps your weight under control.

4. Consumption of jeera water helps in better sleep
Insomnia due to obesity is fairly common, and if you are suffering from sleeping problem, Jeera water can help. Regular intake of Jeera water will help you get better sleep.

5. Jeera water serves as a body cleanser
Jeera is rich in fiber and aids in the removal of toxic materials from the body. Being a powerful detoxifier, it cleanses the body’s system. It rehydrates the human body and keeps it fresh. Thus, assisting in weight loss.

6. Jeera is helpful in treatment of Boils
Boils are an outlet for the elimination of toxic substances and foreign matters such as microbes etc. The occurrence of boils indicates the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. Regular usage of cumin in your food helps in keeping your skin free from boils, rashes, pimples etc.

If you are suffering from acne or boils, you can try applying vinegar with ground cumin seeds.

7. Jeera for a Healthy Skin
Cumin has a high content of vitamin E which keeps your skin healthy and glowing. Besides, the essential oils, cumin have disinfectant and anti-fungal properties which protect your skin from fungal and microbial infections.

8. Anti-aging properties of Jeera
Vitamin E present in cumin triggers the anti-aging processes within the body, thus preventing premature aging symptoms. It acts as an antioxidant to combat the free radicals that attack the skin and cause signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots.

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Dietitian Vinita Jaiswal
[email protected]

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