Here’s How Black Pepper Will Help You Lose Weight

 In Health Tips

5 – Most Amazing Facts about Black Pepper to Lose Weight.

Like most of the spices, Black Pepper also helps in losing weight. This blog will help you in understanding the benefits of Black Pepper to lose weight.
Most people just consume black pepper without acknowledging the fact that its properties are helping you in shedding those extra kilos. Let’s find out what black pepper is capable of!

1. Black peppercorns and betel leaves

For weight loss, you can add a few black peppercorns to two betel leaves and chew it once a day. This acts works as a powerful weight loss tool. You can also have black pepper directly but you should be able to take the heat of the spice for this trick.

2. Prepare a drink
Take a glass of lukewarm water and add lemon juice to it, half a lemon would do. Add a spoonful of honey to it and a spoonful of freshly ground black peppercorns to it. Drink it on an empty stomach for results.

3. Black pepper oil
From a medical store, buy 100% pure black pepper oil and add one drop of it to a glass of water. Drink this before having breakfast. You can also apply this oil on your skin to treat infections.

4. Black pepper tea
The best way to use black pepper for weight loss is consuming it in the form of tea. You can use ginger, tulsi, cinnamon, green tea bag and of course black pepper to prepare the tea. This should be taken before breakfast to see the best results.

5. Black pepper in fruit juice
Take half a cup of watermelon juice and pineapple juice and combine them in a blender. Now add one teaspoon of lemon juice to it and half a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper with a pinch of salt. Take this drink every morning to see results.

If you have any questions on how Black Pepper may help in losing weight or any other food item please get in touch with me.

Weight Loss & Wellness Consultant
Dietitian Vinita Jaiswal
[email protected]

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