Food to Beat the Heat | 10 Super Food to Keep You Cool This Summer

 In Health Tips

Summers are one the hardest season to deal with, on one side you have to face scorching heat & on the other hand, you have to be cautious of what you are eating during summers.

Here are to 10 Super Food that you must eat during summers to keep your self cool, hydrated & healthy during summers.

1. Onions:

Include opinions in your daily diet during summers because onions are rich in quercetin which have an anti-histamine effect, which removes the adverse action of the sun, prevent heat stroke so eat a lot of onions these summers to stay away from summer complaints.

2. Watermelon:

This red colour food is awesome in taste & nutritional value. Summer is time for melons, especially watermelons you can easily find them in the fruit market during summers. Watermelon is rich in an antioxidant called lycopene which protects you from harmful sun, it boosts your skin SPF. So eat a lot of watermelons this summer not only because of its yummy flavour but also because it will help you to stay cool during summers. Eat lots of watermelon during summers & beat the heat.

3. Tomatoes:

You need to choose food which is rich in antioxidants during summers. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants called carotenoids which have the property to safeguard you from harmful UV radiations in summers.

4. Fish:

Fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which help your skin against free radical damage caused by the sun. Avoid eating fish with a lot of oil & spices during summers.

5. Cucumber:

Beat the heat with Cucumber salad and it will not only hydrate your body and provide you with healthy nutrients of vitamin K, C, and Magnesium. It’s cooling property makes its ideal for eating during summers. To make a malicious cool dish prepare a cucumber salad & add curd in it.

6. Pomegranates:

Pomegranates are rich in polyphenol compounds such as anthocyanins and catechins which help you against harmful UV rays of the sun during summers. You can also opt for the juice of Pomegranate during summers.

7. Lime Water:

Lime water is an age-old Indian Energy drink offered to guests during summers while welcoming them. Adding lemon to water not only adds taste to the drink & it also gives a refreshing feeling.
Water must be consumed during summers to keep you hydrated and beat the heat. Adding Lime in water will not only enhance its taste but have many health benefits during summers. You may add salt/sugar in the lime water according to your taste.

8. Coconut Water:

This is a natural wonder drink during summers, coconut water is rich in minerals.
It is easily available during the summers to be consumed.
Coconut water is rich in zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium keeps you hydrated and you no need to go for harsh soft drinks it quenches your thirst instantly with its sweet flavour.
Avoid cold drinks & juices during summers instead of drink coconut water.

9. Yogurt/Curd:

Yogurt/Curd is low in fat and high in proteins and calcium, its probiotics will boost your immunity and keep your digestive system running smoothly during summers. You may consume curd with salt/sugar to add taste to it.

10. Oranges:

The sweet citrus fruit is rich in potassium, a nutrient that’s crucial in the summer. “You lose potassium through sweat, which puts you at risk for muscle cramps, “Eating oranges replenishes your supply and keeps muscle cramps away,”. Oranges are also about 80% water, so popping a few juicy slices will keep you hydrated during your sweatiest summer days.

Conclusion- Right food will help you in keeping fit & healthy during summers. Avoid any kind of street food during summers & eat homemade fresh food.

Do you have any query regarding food to be consumed during summers, please get in touch with me.

Dietitian Vinita Jaiswal

[email protected]

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