How To Lose Weight In Winters

 In Health Tips

Losing weight in the winter might seem like Mission: Impossible. But packing on pounds is not inevitable. Here, five ways to winterize your approach to weight loss.

According to a new research conducted by Dutch scientists from Maastricht University Medical centre, losing weight could be faster during winters because colder temperatures help to burn more calories.

Among the youth and middle-aged people, non-shivering heat production in response to feeling cold can account for up to 30 percent of the body’s energy budget, says the scientist. And this means that the lower temperatures can significantly increase the number of calories burned up instead of being stored as fat.

Now that you know winter is the perfect season for you to lose weight naturally, get started and boost weight loss by following these five special tips on winter weight loss.

High Water Content Foods
Foods with high water content include soups (80 to 95 percent water), fruits and veggies (80 to 95 percent), and hot cereal (85 percent). “Water adds weight and volume without adding calories.” So drink lots of hot fluids this winter to maintain a high metabolic rate this winter.Make sure you limit the sugar content in your fluids as sugar unnecessarily adds calories .

Get Some Sun

“Sunlight can prevent dips in serotonin, a mood-boosting brain chemical that is also partly responsible for feelings of fullness”. Even a heavy dose of artificial light, especially in the morning, may help suppress food cravings and the urge to overeat.

Increase Protein
By boosting your intake from the typical 15 percent of total calories to 30 percent, you may be able to cut your daily calorie intake by 440 — enough to lose almost a pound a week without hunger, according to a recent University of Washington study. “A high-protein diet appears to fool the brain into thinking you’ve eaten more than you have”.

Stick with lean protein rather than high-fat, artery-clogging meat and dairy products. For breakfast, use low-fat milk instead of water in your oatmeal and sprinkle nuts on top. Or make a veggie omelette with one whole egg and two or three egg whites. Eat plenty of beans, fish, and skinless chicken breasts.

Among the youth and middle-aged people, non-shivering heat production in response to feeling cold can account for up to 30 percent of the body’s energy budget, says the scientist. And this means that the lower temperatures can significantly increase the number of calories burned up instead of being stored as fat.

Now that you know winter is the perfect season for you to lose weight naturally, get started and boost weight loss by following these five special tips on winter weight loss.

Top 5 ways to lose weight winters.

1. Eat foods that contain water
This is the best way to stay away from indulging in unhealthy foods. Foods that have higher water content add volume to your diet rather than adding extra, unwanted calories. Have more of steaming vegetable soups and hot cereals. Fresh fruits are also a good option for losing weight in a healthy way.

2. Go out for a morning walk or jog
Exposure to sunlight can help you to maintain serotonin levels in your body. Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that is partially responsible for giving you a feeling of fullness. So, an early morning jog will not only help you to burn calories but also curb your food cravings and tendency to overeat after performing the rigorous physical activity.

3. Eat a protein-rich meal
High-protein intake seems to misguide the brain about the amount of food you eat. So, you could actually eat less but feel that you’ve had sufficient food. Include eggs, milk, paneer and other dairy products in your diet. Sprouts, dals, peas, beans are also good protein sources. If you’re a non-vegetarian, have chicken breasts and fish. But keep in mind that exercising is also important. You can’t just expect to lose weight by just eating good protein sources.

4. Avoid high-calorie food.

Because of the high metabolic rate in winters, you might tempt to eat food with high calories.But if you are looking to lose weight avoid the food with high calories like fried food, bakery items, Indian Sweets etc.

5. Sleep well
During winters you obviously tend to feel cosy and relaxed after you pull over the blanket. But it’s also a good way to reduce weight. Research suggests that people who sleep for less than 6 hours tend to gain more weight compared to people who slept at least for 7-8 hours. Read more about the impact of sleep on obesity.

Interested in knowing more about How to lose weight in Winters, please get in touch with me.

Dietitian Vinita Jaiswal
Weight Loss & Wellness Consultant
[email protected]

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